Technical skills.
JavaScript / TypeScript
I prefer to write in TypeScript when doing front-end work but standard JavaScript is perfectly adequate for me as well. My go-to JavaScript framework is React and my favorite React framework is Next.js.
CSS / Sass
When writing CSS, I prefer to do it using Sass. I do my best to implement browser compatibility and accessibility styles. To organize my Sass files, I like to use the 7-1 method.
Python / Django
I usually use Python when I need to write quick scripts. I also frequently use the Beautiful Soup package when I need to scrape data from the web. I have some experience in using Django as well.
GraphQL / Apollo
I don't typically do a lot of back-end work but when I need to create a RESTful API, I usually use GraphQL. My preferred GraphQL platform is Apollo.
PostgreSQL / MongoDB
I don't do a lot of relational database work. However, I use PostgreSQL whenever I need to query lots of data. I also have some experience with MongoDB.
Node.js / Express.js
Whenever I need a server for my projects, I always go with Node.js. My preferred framework when working with Node.js is Express.js.
Contact me.
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